Monday, March 18, 2013

Coke-Side of life

Hey Friends... This is my New Commercial Video .. which i been working for quite some time..Coca COLA... As many of you guys and gals know.. Its a need of today's Generation... Coca cola... is the most popular and highest-selling soft drink in history, in the commercial we show the three coke flavor.... Product is COKE ZERO.. A Low Calorie Diet Coke with a plenty of TASTE... So Lighten yourself with the new Coke Light...
SO feel free to enjoy the video and give your generous Comments...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Aov Logo

Hello, First of all Happy new year to my friends......Last six or seven month i am quite busy so i can`t get publish any post on my blog......Sorry for that Here is the latest official 3d logo animation done for my blog.......Please watch,comment & like...........